Colour Blindness

colour blindness

Colour Blindness and its Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Is colour blindness disease an inherited one? Know the reasons and treatments of colour blindness disease

When someone cannot differentiate between colours, is called colour blindness and this is known as colour deficiency also. When someone suffers from colour blindness cannot see some specific colours mostly, they are green, red and sometimes blue. Red and green colours are the most common form of colour vision deficiency.

Among all the cells in our retina, there are two cells, namely Rods and Cones. They are responsible for detecting lights. Dark and light are detected by the Rods. Rods become helpful in seeing at night. Weather roads have a low spatial acuity, Cones are responsible for having high spatial acuity. In accordance, they help detect colours. Cone sells give input to our brain and colour perception is determined by that cone sells.

Colour blindness symptoms

Do you have any difficulty in detecting colours such as yellow or blue, green, or red? Do other people inform you that the actual colour is different from what you are identifying?

Firstly, if a person faces difficulty in detecting the colours yellow Blue, Green and Red,

Secondly, someone tells that person, the colour which is identified by that person is wrong, there may be a case of colour vision deficiency. In this situation, an ophthalmologist comes in help if you got your colour vision checked.

colour blindness

What causes colour blindness?

Usually, colour blindness happens for genetic reasons. Defective photopigments in the retina are inherited by parents in most cases.

There are other reasons for colour blindness like:

A) Damage the optic nerve

B) Cataract

C) Ageing

D) Damage to the part of the brain that process colour information

E) Chemical or physical damage to the eye

Colour blindness diagnosis

To detect colour blindness disease an eye specialist generally go through some tests to diagnose. These tests help detect the colour which the patient is lacking in seeing.

Alphabet and number tests are the basic test taken by an eye doctor to check colour blindness. They tell you to make a pattern of numbers or alphabet and they are of various colours. They often keep a set of coloured dots also. If you are colour blind you will not be able to identify the number for the alphabet from that pattern. If you cannot see anything from that pattern there may be a case of full blindness. If you can identify the colours and make the pattern said by your doctor then smile and go back to your home.

Vision screening is also recommended in some rare cases.

Treatment for Colour blindness

Unfortunately, there is no such treatment for colour blindness. You have to leave with the problem and try to adopt it.  In most cases, people do so.  They adapt it and live their life with this condition. Some people with this condition see this condition as a minor inconvenience in their life as there is no option left.

Though there are some contact lenses and eyeglasses which have some filters in them and become helpful in colour deficiencies. That coloured filters over eyeglasses help to contrast the colour perception and become bliss for the people who have colour blindness. Doesn’t help to improve the ability to identify all the colours.

How to live with colour blindness?

If you have colour blindness you have to live with that and here are some tips that can help you to make your life easier

  • If you can memorise specific colours in some specific items that can be helpful, like traffic lights, leaves etc.

  • If possible get help from a specific person who will help you to differentiate any clothing or other things which have some specific colours that will be helpful also

  • In this situation, your smartphone can be your friend. There is some feature which is helpful to people who is suffering from poor colour vision.

  • Make sure that your workplace and your home have adequate lighting in the room so that you do not get confused between colours.

Some facts to remember about colour blindness

People see all the colours a little bit differently even when they have no colour blindness problem.

Almost one person among twelve is colour blind.

A newborn is colour blind always. When they grow colour vision improves and gets developed. It takes almost six months approximately to change.

A person can be colour blind in one eye and can have normal vision in the other. This is called unilateral dichromacy, which is very rare.Interestingly, a person can be colour blind in one eye and have normal vision in the other eye. This problem is named Unilateral Dichromacy, a rare disease.

Contrary to belief, dogs don’t see in black and white. There are two types of cone cells and see mostly blue and yellow.

Though controversial, some believe that dogs don’t see black and white colour. They have two Cone cells, unlike men. They see them in blue and yellow.

It is estimated that there are 300 million people who are suffering from colour blindness in the world.

Best Centre for Sight treats an array of eye disorders

Honest clinical opinions and the latest types of equipment are needed to achieve excellent eye care treatment. Currently, we are having the best surgeons, consultants, the best team of doctors and other staff to treat and give the best services. A thorough treatment is needed at the time of testing. A correct procedure is needed to give an accurate diagnosis. We are specialised in various fields like Lasik and refractive surgery, cornea services, ocular surface, dry eye disorders, computer vision syndrome, pediatric Opthalmology & squint, cataract, glaucoma services and so on.