FAQ Cataract

Cataracts grow gradually with the slow blurring of vision that is not correctable by glasses. Some people get their vision quickly deteriorated, with difficulty in night time driving, glares, halos, and overall foggy vision.

Cataract can happen in children as well. Any white reflex observed in children should be taken very seriously. Visit pediatric ophthalmologist at Indovsion for prompt diagnosis and management.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast.

Avoid rubbing the eye or compression (while sleeping) for a month. Avoid dust, pollution and water entering the eyes for a month. Head baths should be avoided for 30 days. Follow the medication guideline strictly and maintain good eye hygiene.

Though the risks involved with cataract eye surgery are quite uncommon but may include few complications can be inflammation, bleeding, swelling, drooping eyelid, glaucoma, loss of vision, dislocation of an artificial lens, secondary cataract, infection, retinal detachment, etc.

Give your eyes sometime before it gets back to normal vision. Vision may be impaired for the first few days of cataract surgery.

No. It doesnt happen. In rare cases, Posterior capsule opacification may develop, which is removed using a laser on an outpatient basis.

If you are looking for cataract eye surgery in Pune, then Indovisiom is one of the best places to go for the treatment. We have highly qualified doctors and state-of-the-art equipment to give the best treatment and care to the patients.

Cataracts commonly occur in adult life. These are age-induced cataracts and may develop after 40 years of age. But not all people develop a cataract in old age and not all who develop it require treatment.

Cataract generally develops in one eye faster than the other, so it is advisable to operate the one in worse condition first. But it is possible to operate on both at the same time after understanding the details of the process.

Since Lasik changes the shape of your cornea, accurate knowledge of measurements is essential for correct calculation of intraocular lenses power, and it is necessary to inform your surgeon.

It depends on the eye and the healing responses of the body. Gross work can be done without glasses but fine work may require a visual aid.

Yes, a person remains awake during the cataract surgery.

Cataract surgery typically lasts for 15-20 minutes.

Posterior capsule opacification is one of the common complications of cataract surgery. It makes your vision blurry. It is often known as a secondary cataract, which depicts opacification of the bag in which the artificial lens was initially placed. This is easily treatable as an office procedure in a painless manner with the help of YAG lasers.

Most patients can get back to work after three days. However, a week-long rest is ideal. You would need to maintain precautions like no splashing of water in your eyes for up to three weeks and keep putting medications as recommended by your surgeon for six weeks or more as required.