Reasons behind the headache in both right and left side, its causes and treatments
Headache is very common these days but headache with pain behind the eyes disrupts our lives. If it’s a matter of one or two days, there is nothing to be worried but if this continues you have to go for further checkups.
If you notice that you are facing headaches frequently, you need to talk to your doctor. Your primary care physicians will prescribe the primary treatments based on headache triggers, symptoms and pain location.
What is Headache Behind the Eyes?
There are a lot of reasons for headaches. So you can see different symptoms. There are cluster headache, tension headache or even sinus headache that brings disruption to your body.
When you are tensed or stressed, headaches often arise. In that situation, the counter painkiller helps for a certain time but if there is a migraine, the problem becomes severe for the patient and they will not be able to continue working. If the problem is arising frequently, you must consult with your doctor immediately.

What are the reasons for headaches behind the eyes?
There might have multiple reasons behind every headache and you have to go through some tests and trials to understand the actual reason. You have to know the type of pain to identify the source of your headache.
If the reason is migraine, the headache in this case causes extreme pain behind the eyes. Migraine headache is different from other headaches. If your migraine is accompanied by stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, poor posture or diet or even environmental stimuli, the weakness increases at a higher level. Mood swings also cause a migraine headache.
Tension headache
When your headache comes after a long driving, looking at a digital screen or those things which require continuous close focus, this condition is called a tension headache. You can face this problem more on the days with cold temperatures and they can come with head and neck muscle contractions.
Cluster headache
There is a kind of headache which occurs in cycles and men experience this more than a woman. This may be a genetic reason and cause severe pain.
Sinus headache
Sinus headache appears during allergy seasons and the other times when the patient experience an allergy flare-up. You have to be clear about the type of headache to get the best treatment as many people often confuse this type of headache with a cluster headache or migraine headache.
Not only those above-mentioned reasons but there are also other reasons for the headache behind eyes and they are:
Undiagnosed nearsightedness
Optic neuritis
Graves’ disease
You might also face pain behind the eyes because of-
Lack of sleep
Alcohol use
Strong smells
Bright lights
Illness or infection
There are some symptoms of headaches behind the eyes, there are as follows
As the reasons are different, the symptoms are also different from all headaches. If you are stressed, the symptoms of headache behind the eyes will be different from the headaches that come with migraine.
According to your lifestyle, the type of headache might be different when the root is the same. In that situation, it becomes challenging for the doctors to diagnose. If you want to identify the type of headaches you experience, you can look for the specific symptoms associated with each one.
The headache goes beyond the pain in the head in the case of a Migraine headache. In this case, your eyes will be sensitive towards lights, sounds, nausea etc. Without this, weakness, mood swings will be your daily partner. You will face headaches only on one side of the head.
Tension headaches can arise once or more than that in a month and that may also be a case of chronic headaches. You will experience head tension, head tenderness and forehead pressure if you are suffering from tension headaches behind the eyes.
Cluster headache occurs only on one side of the head just like a migraine that creates extreme pain. You will suffer from other problems if your suffering from cluster headaches like sweety or flushed have a treaty or red eyes, you will feel congested are have a runny nostril.
Sinus headache is something which reaches almost all points like your eyes, nose, cheeks and even sometimes your teeth. With all of the above-mentioned problems, this sinus headache accompanies allergy symptoms like congestion, nasal discharge and even fever. Day by day the pain increases when the situation worsens.
Know, if there are any risk factors of eating behind the eyes
Some other factors are accompanied by headache pain and there might have other underlying conditions or some lifestyle factors that need to be changed to minimise the pain. Thyroid as well as eye problems like glaucoma increase the risk of pain behind the eyes.
Sinusitis and allergies affect the area around the eyes and that also increases the problem related to headaches. If you work with computer screens this problem may arise more easily.
If you avoid your problem of headache and the problem increases, that will lead to chronic in the later period. If your headache is coming frequently you might also face untreated autoimmune disorders like scleritis.
How to Prevent Headaches Behind the Eyes?
Intake caffeine, alcohol or any other processed foods very little and if possible avoid them.
Try to be stress-free
Exercise daily
Try to take breaks from your device screen
Avoid those habits which cause headaches like reading at night
Avoid smoking
But if you are facing problems that are related to different genres– for example, you experience both cluster headaches and tension headaches– you might need to experiment with the habits that you need to change to stay away from headaches.

How to Diagnose the Type of Headache on your own?
There are no such tests that can help you to diagnose the proper type of headache so you need to take proper medical help in time. In that situation, the doctor will try to know your pain’s placement, its severity and he will let you know the possible causes. You might have to go through some tests to check for underlying conditions.
There is a pattern that a doctor follows to know the exact reason for the headache behind the eyes. First of all, they ask some questions to know the type of headaches. They try to understand the symptoms first and then they suggest a physical exam to check the patient’s vision coordination, senses and reflexes.
But if your primary doctor cannot determine the exact reason they may refer you to the neurologist to have a precise diagnosis.
How You Can Treat Headaches Behind the Eyes?
It is not mandatory to visit a doctor if you suffer from headaches once or twice a year but if it is frequent you must think of visiting your doctor. There are some home remedies which you can try before going to your doctor
Ice packs
Diet change
Daily exercise
Avoiding smoking
Reducing alcohol intake
But if you’re facing the problem very frequently, you must visit your doctor. Firstly your doctor may prescribe treatment like antibiotics for sinusitis or other treatments for migraines.
There could have main symptoms behind the pains. Some of them go away with painkillers or by taking some rest but if the problem is unbearable go to your doctor. If you cannot determine the cause after knowing those above-mentioned reasons you should contact your doctor when you are experiencing severe or chronic pain.