Dry Eyes
Dry Eye Treatment Options in Pune
When Laser vision correction is done, other problems like dry eye syndrome or tear film dysfunction is also shown as a side effect. Almost all of the patients go through this kind of syndromes like drying of eyes after eye surgeries Lasik is also included. This surgery raises a corneal flap which cuts the nerve so the chance of drying eyes goes up. The nerve on the surface grows back due to the surgery. It takes almost six months to get in place.
Unless it is extremely severe, drying of the eyes doesn’t cause any permanent harm to the eyes. It is a fully treatable disease so you are recommended to go to the doctor if you face any problem earlier.
The primary symptoms of drying eyes involve:
Burning sensation in the eyes.
Eyes start to discharge stringy mucus.
Your eyes wouldn’t love any bright light, be it electric light or sunshine.
Redness of the eyes.
Foreign body sensation in the eyes which feels like sand in the eyes.
Wearing contact lenses will be painful. Eyes will start watering.
Nighttime driving will be very difficult.
Blurriness will be shown. But that fluctuates after blinking or closing eyes.
In front of a computer, your eyes will feel tired.
If you are living in Pune or surrounding areas, you can visit Indovision Cataract & Laser Eye Centre, Pune for consultation and best guidance.

Before Surgery
You must follow the treatment process when you are going through the planning of the operation. Meticulous attention to the same is also required at this stage. Taking proper care in the postoperative period, increase the chance of curing dry eye problem permanently. If anyone is suffering from a dry eyes problem, it is not a contraindication for spectacle removal surgery. But when doctors start the treatment, they take extra precautions for the patients who have pre-existing dry eyes and they always consider the severity of the condition.
Some tests which are followed by doctors to detect dry eyes –
Schirmer Test: A special kind of paper is used in this test. That thin strip of paper is placed under the lower eyelid. They let it be here until it is wet.
Tear breakup time: In this test, a special kind of dye is used on the eye surface so that it can check how many tears “break up” on the eye surface.
Imaging: In this process, a special instrument is used which provide a view of the tear film. Doctors keep this process untouched.
MMP-9 Testing: In this case, the doctor collects a small drop of tears from the bottom eyelid. This test can ensure whether the eyes are affected by any inflammation or not.
Some other facts increase the depth of the problem. Older age, allergy medicines, certain blood pressure medicine, contraceptive pills, antidepressants, autoimmune disease, thyroid etc are included in this
Other symptoms are related to the eyes. They are:
Wearing contact lenses for a prolonged time decreases corneal sensitivity which causes dryness.
If the mucus-producing goblet cells from the Lasik suction ring are damaged.
If Corneal Sensations decreases
If Blink Rate reduces
If there are any side effects of postoperative drops
Surgical Options
After primary diagnosis, doctors may prescribe the following options:
Photorefractive Keratotomy, PRK
It is a laser procedure that helps in removing the glasses. In this glass, no Corneal flap is raised initially. According to some doctors, it reduces the appearance of dry eyes after surgery.
Thin flap LASIK or Sub-Bowman’s Keratomileusis, SBK
When SBK surgery is done, doctors use a thinner Corneal flap. Because it results in less disruption of Corneal nerves, therefore, drying of the eyes.
Femtosecond LASIK
Femtosecond Lasik is a blade-free treatment process. When it is used, there is a lower incidence of Lasik related dryness in patients. The reason is, the Corneal flap is more precise and stable than manual treatment. As this is a blade-free treatment, the corneal abrasion and astigmatism are also lower.
Doctors suggest various methods of treatment to the patient depending on the current condition. They let their patient choose according to their choices. But other several factors are important in choosing the operating methods and they are the power of current glasses, corneal thickness etc.
After Surgery
Studies say that clinical signs and symptoms of dry eye and decreased corneal sensation can recover to preoperative levels and it takes 6 months to 1 year even after surgery. After surgery doctors generally recommend lubrication with non preserved pure supplements, topical corticosteroid, punctual occlusion, topical cyclosporine 0.05%. Depending on the symptoms the use of those may be more aggressive if it is used in combination.
Most of the doctors start the treatment with tear replacement using preservative-free lubricating eye drops with an added ointment if the symptoms are persistent. Though more than 6 to 8 drops per day are not recommended because collagen can plug to prevent tear drainage.
In case of eyelid gland dysfunction, other ancillary measures help to include a warm compress with a gentle lead massage. Some other natural nutritional supplements help in increasing tear production and they are flax seed oil Omega 3 fatty acid etc. Doctors often recommend using protective goggles in this case. Only that you can use any humidifiers and you must avoid extremely varied and trustee conditions and the help to relieve in this symptoms. You must follow the 20-20-20 rule when you are using your computer to get relief from your current condition.